Welcome to the STOP’EM website
STOP’EM is a multi-site, randomised controlled study. The study will aim to find out whether a 2-week course of levetiracetam, starting shortly before surgery, reduces the risk of developing seizures within 12 months of surgery, compared to 2 weeks of placebo.
The trial is funded by the National Institute for Health Research's Health Technology Assessment Programme (NIHR HTA) and is sponsored by University of Liverpool. The day-to-day running of the trial, monitoring and analysis is being coordinated by a team at the Liverpool Clinical Trials Centre (LCTC).
STOP’EM is a study for adults with a meningioma that needs surgical removal and who have not had a seizure before. We want to know if a short course of an anti-seizure medication (ASM) started 1 day before surgery prevents seizures happening after surgery.
Meningioma are the commonest primary brain tumour. They grow from the lining of the brain. In the UK each year about 1600 people with a meningioma have surgery. Approximately 70% of people do not present with epileptic seizures, but after within 12 months of surgical removal, around 1 in 8 people (12%) will have an epileptic seizure for the first time. Seizures affect quality of life & lead to uncertainty about the future.
In patients who have never had a seizure, neurosurgeons do not know whether giving an ASM before surgery (prophylaxis) will prevent seizures. Some neurosurgeons use prophylaxis & others do not.
STOP’EM will compare a well-established ASM called levetiracetam, to a placebo (a capsule that looks the same but contains no active drug). STOP’EM will look at whether starting levetiracetam shortly before surgery as a preventative measure:
Participants will be assigned at random to either:
Participants will follow the normal care pathway and will be followed up regularly for 12 months to assess if they develop seizures, and to measure their quality of life.
Patients with the following characteristics will be eligible for inclusion in the trial:
Patients with the following characteristics will be excluded from the trial:
National Institute for Health Research's Health Technology Assessment Programme (NIHR HTA) (NIHR129748)
The study has been reviewed by the London Central Research Ethics Committee, who have agreed that the study is being conducted in a correct and appropriate manner. The study has also been approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Email: stopem@liverpool.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 795 1732